Thermo-photovoltaic Technology and its Application for Satisfy Building Thermal and Electrical Energy Needs

Document Type : Review Article


1 Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Malek-Ashtar University of Technology, Iran

2 Zana Energy Rojhelat Co., Kermanshah Science & Technology Park, Kermanshah, Iran


The growing demand of energy coupled with decreasingin fossil fuels supplies, on the other hand, environmental pollution of fossil fuels and harm effect of it on lives of humans and other creations in world led to research in situatedenergy resources. The cogeneration or combined heat and power generation (CHP) and distributed generation could be the key strategy to achieve reduce energy consumption and environmental pollution. With considering this facts, thermophotovoltaic (TPV) technology could be very useful. Thermophotovoltaic is a system to convert into electrical energy the radiation emitted from an artificial heat source (i.e. the combustion of fuel) by the use of photovoltaic cells. A domestic gas furnace based on this technology can provide the entire thermal need of an apartment and can also contributes to satisfy the electrical demand. In this research, the initial studies and fundamental concepts in area of thermophotovoltaic and comparison of this technology with other direct electrical generation technologies are presented. Finally the potential of thermophotovoltaic technology for satisfy building thermal and electrical energy needs willbe investigated.


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