Peer Review Process


Acceptance of articles in the Journal of Renewable and New Energy is subject to approval by the journal's editorial board. For this purpose, authors should prepare their specialized materials and notes in the field of renewable and new energies in the form of a complete scientific manuscript. The template for the preparation of the manuscripts can be downloaded from the Guide for Authors menu of the Journal's website. It should be mentioned that all content must be in the form of the template approved by the journal. After preparing the necessary documents and the manuscript according to the Guide for Authors of the journal, the authors can submit the manuscript by login to the journal online system. Necessary information for registration, manuscript submission, etc., is available in the Guide for Authors. The journal is exempt from accepting manuscripts that have not been correctly prepared in accordance with the template format of the manuscripts, and these manuscripts will be returned to the corresponding author without entering the peer review process. In order to be accepted, the received manuscript must have at least the positive opinion of two reviewers who specialize in the subject matter of the manuscript, and the authors will be required to make the proposed corrections of the reviewers. The type of peer review does this journal uses is double-blind that means nor authors neither reviewers recognize each other identities and the review process is strictly anonymous.For more information please see the flowchart of Publication Procedure in the Journal of Renewable and New Energy as below.

click here for publication procedure flowchart