Paradigm Analysis of Renewable Energy Governance and Policymaking In Iran

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Management and Social Science Department, Niroo Research Institute, Tehran, Iran


The world's energy system is in a transition phase, one of its main features is the emphasis on renewable energies. In Iran, despite the significant potential in the field of wind and solar power plants, there is a significant gap between the installed renewable capacities and the goals of policy documents. In this article, using grounded theory analysis, intervention and contextual conditions of the renewable have been investigated. Among the intervening conditions, we can mention the increase in the exchange rate, sanctions and reduction of foreign investment in the country, centralized management and subsidized atmosphere ruling the electricity industry, the financial situation of the Ministry of Energy.The contextual conditions include the lack of agreement on why and how to develop renewable energy in the country, the government's partial view of the energy sector instead of the national view, the lack of access Investors to low-cost financial resources, a supportive atmosphere in favor of the fossil sector, and failure of financial models in the field of renewable energy, the lack of a clear strategy in the field of renewable equipment manufacturing, and inappropriate culture. According to the aforementioned cases, the effectiveness of policies which are approved in the field of renewable energy has significantly declined. This will be the result of the small capacity of power plants, the lack of proper diversity in the country's energy portfolio, the lack of role of renewable energy in the country's energy supply, and social distrust towards participation in this field.


Main Subjects


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