Feasibility Study on Site Selection for Installing a Small Scale PV Plant

Document Type : Original Article


Architecture Department, Imam Khomeini International University Name, Qazvin, Iran


Awareness of the devastating impact of fossil energy sources and their resource limitations in the coming decades has prompted all human societies to seek alternative renewable sources. Iran has an average of 2,900 hours of sunshine per square meter of flat land area that can convert between 3.4 to 7.5 kWh of solar energy into electricity or hot water. The awareness and acceleration of this process are quite clear and symbolic. On campus, based on several important criteria, such as proximity to the grid or substation, accessibility and monitoring, proper slope, non-shading, and inadequate landscape, the feasibility of small-scale power plants can be examined so that Meet 5 to 10% of the needs of buildings adjacent to the solar plant. Land selection on campus has a decisive role in increasing solar radiation absorption and power generation and reducing network loss, overcrowding, inadequate slope, and air pollution. The AHP Analysis Hierarchy Process approach is used to analyze the proper location of solar panels, related to environmental factors, access to power stations and adjacent buildings. Conditions of access, supervision, and proximity to buildings or power grids are second and foremost, and poor prospects on campus may be at the bottom of the assessment.


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